lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

G1 dijo...

Senoreee eso no es asi.. existe el GRB que hay q respetarlo asi q ponganse claro primero... ahhhh y una de las reglas q es de las principales es esa GIGOTUDE!! q hay q tener para esta profesion

Always BE In Gigo!!

Its like : ... Leer más

Be In GIGO Mode ON Always: Cuz u never know when the USP appear.

Be GIGOLeando, ..: Non USP will do it, so as a Gigolo u have to Be "Engaging"..

Be The the Giganswer: Hell Yeah.. a gigolo has an answer 99% of the time, it make the USP Holder, that we are truthfull to.

Be Gigo yourselfe : Feel proud of ur Persuit of an USP.

Be GIgo Thankfull, : For Sure, we all know that most of the time we cant do nothing when the USP just said thankyou and bye, but we also know that theres going to be another USP next, that make us confident, as at they said, "Most Bird Best Chance".. thats why u have to be thankfull.

This are just some of the rules... jejejeje 

G-1 & G-2 Just got this out jejejeje as a we was looking at some advertisen.

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